The Ultimate Back pain solution
William Hauxwell (Reg. Osteopath Dublin) specialises in resolving lower back pain that has not responded to other treatments. Most people that come to see him have been treated by Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, other Osteopaths and surgeons without success.
William Hauxwell (Reg. Osteopath Dublin) uses a unique and more effective treatment system which he has perfected over the last 2 decades. This system involves very precise manipulation of the sacroiliac joints (large joints in the pelvis).This system, its techniques and their superior results are unique in Osteopathy. William teaches this approach in the Osteopathic colleges of the UK and Ireland.
William Hauxwell (Reg. Osteopath Dublin) has been practising as an Osteopath for 25 years and has an honours degreein Human sciences from Oxford University and an honours degree in Osteopathic Medicine from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine.
He has taught Clinical Osteopathy at the Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine, the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and the Stillorgan Institute of Physical Therapy.
William Hauxwell (Registered Osteopath Dublin) is qualified as a Cranial Osteopath and pain-relief acupuncturist.